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Through writing and photography I explore food and conservation stories around the world. 

Click below to see all my published articles.   



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What does it really mean to eat sustainably, if you want to align your personal environmental values with good eating? 

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Two and a half years ago, the Wildlife Conservation Society embarked upon a partnership with New Worlder to explore connections between conservation and gastronomy throughout the Americas.  This column marks the final installment in our WCS series.

Conservation and the Foodie Movement

We know that agricultural production is the leading driver of tropical deforestation, but we also know an expanding global population creates a greater and greater demand for food. Is industrial agriculture the only way to meet this need?

Latin America

Latin America

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We were five days into an eight-day, 1400-kilometer-long expedition into indigenous gastronomy and its links to environmental conservation. 

I joined a group of fellow conservationists, chefs, journalists, public health experts, and entrepreneurs in the Peru to discuss how sustainable gastronomy might contribute to conserving the cultural and natural diversity of the Amazon. 

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Sustainable Gastronomy to Conserve the Amazon
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The menu read “local fish and chips, mushy peas, tartar sauce.” But the fish in this fish and chips was not the traditional cod or haddock, or even pollock. And I was eating it not in the British Isles but in the Falkland Islands (Malvinas). 

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Our driver Don Rodolfo stopped off at a small café, Dayanera Kibbeh, with a few plastic tables and chairs on the sidewalk. He explained that many people of Lebanese descent live in the secondary cities in the interior of Cordoba, and Montería is no exception. 


The Amazon is the most bio-diverse place on earth and a region rich in discovery. Documentation of a newly discovered fish migration is a rare event and particularly noteworthy this weekend as we celebrate World Fish Migration Day.  

World Fish Migration Day in the Amazon
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What if I told you that there is a place in Brazil where cattle graze on native grasses seasonally replenished by an annual flooding cycle, where rivers support giant river otters and forests line riverbanks and form highways for jaguars ?

Where Cows and Capybara Roam
North America

North America

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In addition to the conservation lessons found among the penguins and corals at the New York Aquarium, visitors will find a delicious lesson in conservation on the plate at the Oceanside Grill on the Boardwalk and the rooftop Oceanview Bites.

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The food world and its many followers are on a constant search for authentic experiences. Food, it seems, is an elemental medium through which we can feel more grounded. 

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I eyed the goat on a trail heading directly towards me and hid in the trees so as not to startle it. Fortunately, the goat trotted by, perhaps three feet from where I stood in the brush, and sauntered up the trail.

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We were famished and sore and had been looking forward to this dinner all day. We had just ridden 67 miles in the Adirondacks and tonight's meal was unique – a special Farm-to-Table dinner organized by the Cycle Adirondacks team.

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